the serious health hazards during the pregnancy period of the rural disadvantaged
village women & her newly born child, CDS under the direct assistance by
the SAKO Foundation, The Netherlands, has been launching a project on Mother
& Child from January’2007. From the initial stage of conception or
pregnancy to before delivery, at the time of delivery and then next 1 year of
baby age after the birth of a child/baby all kinds of possible emergency care,
regular check up & monitoring, medical support & necessary counseling including
necessary medicine supply have been providing among the beneficiaries under the
Project. The CMC project will be continued till December, 2016 in the 3rd
phase. The 1st phase of three years considered as a pilot project by the donor
agency. Under this project a mini clinic has been set up at CDS Bakergonj Area
Office and the project team conducts regular provisional camp with 15 days gap
at field level different spots in the working areas.
Project Location: Bharpasha & Rangasree Union, Bakergonj under Barisal District